4chan Mikayla Campinos (2025)

  • Entre Ratones y ControlesNews, News Commentary 12 Apr

    El mas mejor podcast de internet, conducido por Etzio y Ermac.
    Contenido seleccionado 5 minutos antes de empezar, fuentes de información 4chan y tiktok

  • CreepyPasta ItaliaArts, Fiction, Books 10 Jul

    Creepypasta è un fenomeno di Internet derivato dalla pratica del copypasta connotato da tematiche horror e in seguito diffusi su Internet, attraverso forum, social network, siti dedicati o tramite altre forme di diffusione digitale, in particolare alla image board di 4chan.

    Il termine deriva dall'unione di "creepy", che tradotto in italiano significa "raccapricciante" oppure "inquietante", per evidenziare la particolare natura di queste storie, con lo scopo di intimorire o/e affascinare il lettore, e paste che in inglese significa "incolla", ricalcando il modello di "copypasta".

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    🎧 Voce : Leandro Materni
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    Sei sempre alla ricerca di creepypasta, doppiaggi e storie originali da ascoltare? Allora seguici sul canale Telegram “Narrazioni, Dub e Cov

  • The Business of Video Games PodcastBusiness, Leisure 5 Jun

    Welcome to the Business of Video Games Podcast. A podcast where we try to shed a bit of light on the inner workings of the games industry. We give you the why, how, who and what the hell?! on business decisions, publishing calls, steps and missteps that go on behind the scenes.

    Basically - the inside view on how and why things are ACTUALLY done the way they are. Not just guesswork on 4Chan.

    The podcast is hosted by Daniel Goldberg (former Chief Marketing officer at Paradox Interactive) and Shams Jorjani (former Chief Business Development Officer at Paradox Interactive).

    In every episode, we invite a guest from the industry to unpack an interesting decision or event, share their learnings and wisdoms, or just explain why all of us armchair experts got things wrong (or right!) again.

    We previously hosted and ran the Paradox Interactive Podcast for some 4 years - you can find those episodes on most podcast platforms of note.

  • Archive is an investigative documentary series hosted by Tommie Trelawny and Nicky Anderson. Following the success of The Interruption, listeners can expect another captivating story from Season Two: The World's Hardest Puzzle.

    In 2012, a mysterious organisation known as Cicada 3301 announced itself on the message board, 4chan. The cryptic post appeared online, seeking 'highly intelligent individuals.' What followed became known as the hardest puzzle on the internet. One that took players across the internet and into real-world locations. After two years of enigmatic posting, it disappeared - and was never seen again. The final puzzle was never solved.

    Nearly a decade later, Tommie Trelawny and Nicky Anderson decide to take on Cicada 3301 for themselves. Who was behind these mysterious puzzles? And what did they want to achieve?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 【荐】诡界 | 免费精短恐怖故事Fiction, True Crime 20 Jun 2023


    分享Reddit上r/nosleep等恐怖怪谈板块中的内容, 以及Creepypasta, 4chan等类似的欧美网络社区上的恐怖故事及其衍生。


  • SomethingAwful.com is one of the foundational websites of modern internet culture: the earliest memes, inside jokes, and modes of communication that grace and plague the internet today can trace their roots back to the sprawling forums of this illustrious website.

    Hosted by Jay Brandstetter and Winslow Dumaine, this podcast dredges up the most notable threads from the depths of the forums. We delve into the absurd architecture of Groverhaus, explore the very beginning of 4Chan, the early days of master poster Dril, examine the discovery and ruination of Chris-Chan, and recount the day when the despised owner of the website, Richard “Lowtax“ Kyanka fought the disgraced filmmaker Uwe Boll in a boxing match, and more. We’re diving into the archives so you don’t have to.

    Winslow Dumaine is a comedian and illustrator out of Chicago. He’s opened for Kyle Kinane, Dave Ross, and Sam Tallent, and toured with Derek Sheen. His debut work of fiction is The Tarot Restless, a hand illustrated deck of tarot cards and a book of short stories. His next work is a cooperative tabletop card game called RESTLESS, the discord for which is available here.

    Jay Brandstetter is an internet historian and online content creator out of his hometown of Jacksonville, Florida. In addition to a lifetime of firsthand research on the Something Awful forums and elsewhere, he created the popular Twitter account "crazy ass moments in Something Awful history", has over 100,000 views on YouTube, and over 3 million on TikTok. His ongoing work is The Greymuzzle Archives, a series of long-form interviews of elder members of the furry fandom.

    This program is not affiliated with or sponsored by Something Awful LLC or Jeffrey of YOSPOS.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Chan with a PlanEducation, Self-Improvement 21 Jun

    Providing career advice in easy actionable steps, for frustrated professionals, helping you overcome career challenges so you can stop feeling confused and defeated and start feeling focused and confident in order to excel in your career.

  • Audio book of Tea Words, an archived edition of Master Sheng Yen’s early teachings in the West. It contains 50 selected articles published in two volumes. It speaks of the attitude one should have to practice Chan correctly.

  • Kisah tentang keserakahan

  • A detailed look into the life of Christian/Christine Weston Chandler, one of the most curious figures in Internet subculture, and possibly the most documented person in history.
    This is the for-podcast-optimized version of the YouTube video series of the same name.

  • 陈功先生是中国一位已退休的著名智库学者,他近一、两年来的主要思想观点以及在世界主要英文媒体撰写的文章,包括有:

  • Podcast sobre Japón: mis experiencias y muchas otras curiosidades.Soy Mayi y desde 2013 vivo en Japón, un país que desde muy joven me llamaba la atención. Lo visité en dos ocasiones por turismo y me enamoró.He decidido crear este podcast porque desde que llegué a Japón no han parado de sucederme cosas y tengo muchas anécdotas y experiencias que me gustaría compartir.Bienvenidos a mi podcast y espero que paséis un buen rato escuchándolo.Creado y grabado por Mayi chan.Mi Ko-fi ☕: https://ko-fi.com/mayichaninjapan

  • Trùm chăn buôn chuyệnEducation, How To 2 May

    Mình là Linh, chào mừng bạn đã đến Trùm chăn buôn chuyện, mình không phải chuyên gia, mình cũng không phải một người đặc biệt nào, hãy coi mình như một người bạn của các bạn, người mà có lúc đúng cũng có lúc sai, có lúc sâu lắng có lúc cũng nông nổi bồng bột. Mong rằng những gì chúng ta có thể chia sẻ với nhau sẽ giúp ai đó ở một nơi nào đó bớt loay hoay trên hành trình trưởng thành và tìm kiếm hạnh phúc.

  • Đắp Chăn Nằm Nghe Tun Kể là series podcast đầu tiên của Tun, nơi Tun và các bạn có thể trải lòng với nhau về những điều mệt mỏi trong cuộc sống, cùng cho nhau những lời khuyên hay ho, cùng chữa lành những tổn thương, đỗ vỡ để trái tim tụi mình một lần nữa được ngập tràn yêu thương. Tun hy vọng những chia sẻ của mình có thể mang lại những giây phút thư thái, dễ chịu cho bạn trước khi đi ngủ.

  • Podcast sobre Japón: mis experiencias y muchas otras curiosidades.Soy Mayi y desde 2013 vivo en Japón, un país que desde muy joven me llamaba la atención. Lo visité en dos ocasiones por turismo y me enamoró.He decidido crear este podcast porque desde que llegué a Japón no han parado de sucederme cosas y tengo muchas anécdotas y experiencias que me gustaría compartir.Bienvenidos a mi podcast y espero que paséis un buen rato escuchándolo.Creado y grabado por Mayi chan.Mi Ko-fi ☕: https://ko-fi.com/mayichaninjapan

  • Chùm chăn đọc sáchArts, Books 20 Aug 2023

    Chào bạn đến với podcast “Trùm chăn Đọc sách”. Đây là nơi mà chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau đọc và thảo luận với nhau về những cuốn sách văn học thiếu nhi trên khắp thế giới. Tụi mình là Toàn và Huyền sẽ là co-host của podcast này. Bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm về podcast này tại episode 0 của tụi mình nhé.

  • Found in multiple places around the net, Jala-chan has finally made her own Place to discuss topics ranging from analyses of various forms of media to health and wellness, interviews with creators and other fabulous people, and anything else that happens to fall outside the bounds of her usual appearances as a regular co-host of Duckfeed.tv's The Level Podcast and guest on many other shows and streams.

  • Minh Chân Tướng RADIOEducation 7 Apr 2023

    Minh Chân Tướng là kênh thông tin phi lợi nhuận

    Minh Chân Tướng là trang tin tức cung cấp thông tin chân thật ở Việt Nam và thế giới, quý độc giả sẽ tìm thấy bài viết hữu ích trong mọi lĩnh vực của cuộc sống, và có thể tự đưa ra nhận định riêng của mình.

    Minh Chân Tướng sử dụng nguyên tắc Chân Thành và Thiện Lương làm kim chỉ nam trong suốt hành trình của mình. Chúng tôi chú trọng tính nhân văn, những bài học lịch sử và văn hóa truyền thống nhằm mang lại những giá trị tốt đẹp nhất cho mỗi người, mỗi nhà và cho xã hội.

  • Jackie ChanArts, Books 19 May 2021

    Jackie Chan

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4chan Mikayla Campinos (2025)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6089

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.