How to find and join groups on the Telegram messaging app, with or without an invite link
- You can find and join Telegram groups for topics you like, whether you have an invite link or not.
- Telegram is a cloud-based messaging app that also has the option for end-to-end encryption.
- Visit Business Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.
Telegram is a cloud-based messaging app with the option for end-to-end encryption.
You can use Telegram to send messages with just a few people, or with groups of up to 200,000 members.
There are two ways to join a group. One is by clicking on a link. The other is by seeking out and joining a specific group.
How to join a Telegram group from an invite link
1. To start, you must already have a Telegram account. You can join a group either from the app or on a desktop program.
2. When somebody sends you a link, click on it. It will start with https://t.me/ (for example, https://t.me/AppleUsersGroup).
3. The link will open in your Telegram app. Tap on "Join Group" to join it.
How to find and join a Telegram Group without an invite link
Many websites and entities have public groups and channels. A group is a chat run by one person, or a few people, that allows up to 200,000 members.
1. To find a group, the best place to start is by searching the web for groups that match your interests. https://Tdirectory.me is a great resource for finding groups.
2. When you find a group you want to join, click on it and click "Join Group" on the group's About page in the Telegram app. If it's a private group, you'll have to click on a link asking to be approved before you can join.
3. Once you've been approved, the group will then show up in your Telegram chats.
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